Monday, May 13, 2013

Plus fort que jamais = More Stronger than ever before .. 2013

It has been a while since I heard your voice . It has been a while since I saw your smile . It has been a while since I heard your laugh . It has been a while since I felt your touch.. The time passes and it is already the month of May . Each time the phone rings I think that it just may be you. . The idea of not hearing , seeing or feeling of you makes my heart grow ever more impatient. . Your letters become my lover who thus goes to bed with me each night . Your pictures are my reassurance that you love me ever more ,, I wait to hear see and feel your presence to fill the void that has overtaken my spirit , but my love for you grows and grows like a breath of Spring that awakens my dormant slumber. Each time that the day comes to an end I re-live our last moment together and yearn for another chance to hear your voice , see your smile, hear your laugh ,and feel your touch.. As the time clicks by and the numbers change I anticapate that liberated moment that will unleash a rush of exctasy of you and me finally as one .Our future slowly unfolds as the beginning becomes visible to the naked eye ,, our future ,, all the dreams that we have dreamed of are now taking shape .As my phone rings I see your face as the image that let's me know that ,, yes you are there and always will. The seperation of us has only forged a union of you and me to become inseperable. The songs on the radio sing your songs as I listen to every word that you sing to me. My love , your love , our love is " Plus fort que jamais which says More stronger than ever before....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

J .F M. ,, S P B L M A .

This morning I awoke ,  thinking of you, my awakening was of excitement and it showed in many ways . If you had been there you would have been witness to this. My mind was and always has been set on you...

You make me shiver with delight and I almost loose control . I will never hurt or leave you for we are less without one another. I wait in anticapation to hear you speak to listen to you laugh ,, and to wipe your tears. . I have crossed the ways to see you and each time is like a new beginning , like fresh dew on the morning clover.Our love is pure and cannot be blemished by the outside World,

 As we speak on the phone the time goes all so quickly,, we discuss the next day and time of our next rendez-vous on the phone,, when the next letter will be sent and when it shall arrive,,like the photos we send to each other.., a souvenir of what our life has become. I love you and it shows in every way you say , and I feel the same ,, the distance apart cannot defeat us ,, but only make it stronger ,, our life in Miami-Montréal is about to begin , I look at your photos clutched in my hand and place them on the sink as I prepare to ,,,..The distractions that may leerk are harmless and have no power over us ,, only if we give them creedence and attention,, so I say this day " Just finished masturbating so please Bitches leave me alone .....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

M to B = B to M

  It started with an Ad , an A the first letter of the  "alpha " bet ,  my intuition got the best of me , so I read and then responded.. From the hills of Kentucky to the Island of Montréal , the route had been traced ,, your eyes to my smile . The words of ink flowed easily as each one of us stated our desires and fears our hopes and wishes.  Pictures of you became more abundant and my images on paper read a story of where and with who as you could begin to follow me somewhat on my outings of night. After a period of time we decided to voice our opinions and feelings of a vocal nature. A song was written and thus one for you,, and one for me. A short verse would be heard on the phone ,, and after laughter would follow. We knew that this was no longer just a beginning but a continuation of what would follow. We spoke of family and friends, of the past that brought us now together. You say that we must build on what we have and your life is to grow old together. I express my desire to build a bond of until death do us part.  The walls of family open up and now your Grandmother has become part of our world , as my friends take note of who and how you are. A meeting of minds has been set for us to meet. Plans are made as a frebility of excitement fills the air , the first effort does not a take-off as the soothsayers don their hats of deceit . Deception and disappointment is felt on both sides ,, time goes by as days are counted and then renewed .  After a time dates are chosen and  we set the motion into a clockwork timetable. From air to taxi to a Hotel we finally meet . Your eyes to my smile penetrate the glass that tries to be a shield but to no avail. Words flow easily as each one jockeys for a position . The time speeds by too quickly and we part but promise to come again , thoughts race rapidly in my mind of you as you leave ,, I close my eyes to sleep so that a new day will start once again ,, I walk the road as the fall colours of the trees blanket the hillsides as the asphalt paves my way to you. We smile and laugh and relish the thought that this is meant to be ,, after all this time we say good-bye ,, the leaves of the trees now become less apparent and prepare for my departure , my return will be a welcome blanket of  white.  The M to B of  B to M . is now integrated as one with the individuality of us both .. Love has ordained us with his/her blessing .It is now our turn to return the favour.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nothing is Stopping Us Now

Jamie, The wind carries with it sometimes seeds of doubt. These seeds cannot grow but with the assistance of  Mankind. The demon seeds spinning schemes shall not prevail, for I shall neither plant or carefore or water such a thought , for this thought is not a friend of mine . The distance of us is a reality but what I feel and believe is that there will be doubts and whispers of weakness of seedlings ,, but my LOVE for you is like a seed that grows and places its roots steadily and nourishes itself from the fertilizers of your unquestionable LOVE for me . . I shall water thee with great affection and help you grow along by my side . I will tend to my garden very closely. And when the time comes to bloom I shall burst of much profusion . I will flower you with my LOVE and you shall whiff of the parfums that I shall give for all to know that Nothing is Stopping Us Now.. Michael Banks , 3 Juillet 2012

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jamie writes to say :I Have Some Great News !!

As I read your letters from the beginning a sense of anticapation arises. Our history started oh so quietly and has now grown quietly there. Your words of love seep into my mind as I remember of the first time I saw your photo there so innocently there . My Love , Babe ,Love Dove are now your words of seduction. I lose all control of my emotions as I allow your terms of AMOUR take charge and lead the way. Our conversations of print and phone are now wanted more then ever before. We both wait anxiously to see , to hear what the next words will say and how the voice will read. I ride the stars of brightness as you light the way to our next beginning . Montréal is on the horizon as we prepare to embark on our final destination. You announce that your time of place is almost over and your change of situation is about to come to another avenue of change. Your smile is almost there as you throw a three pointer of excitement ! I applaud your sureness as you move across the way to score another mark of , xoxoxox !! We have built our trust of each other and let no person lead us not,,, the Ink has dried as we both join hands to travel on this voyage together , you have scored a goal once again into the net,, I applaud your talent of how to. The cry of " love you always " and " with all my heart "becomes your anthem to me as I accept your words and you say " I have some great news "

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Year, New Adventures , New Hope , New Beginnings

The New Year has started its course and anticapating a change has become a theme of hope ! Once was is no longer a sure bet , I withdraw from the Table of Chance as I have been dealt a bad hand of false honesty. You sat cross from me and bluffed your way through , I thought you were playing with me ,, not against me, I lent you my hand outstretched , lest I leave my head in the stars to daydream of what could have been. You said that you were not up for game playing but you play well , you hid your hand and I fell for your prowness ! You won this round but I have quit the table of pseudo- trust , you shall not have me to play again ,, I will move on to the next table , the Table of Honesty, I have been there before, I am a life long member. You were there but for a moment, you tried to bluff and say your cards were strong, but I knew better, you thought short, I went long. I am still in the game, I play to win ,, my card of Values is still the highest card that beats your Ace of lies and deception. The dealer aks me if I want to play another round, I look and see those new players of Trust anxiously awaiting to play, they ask for one chance to show their hand ! The cards are dealt once again , your cards have no value ,, I play to win , I smile as the person across from me says I lay my cards of Hope down to you Michael I want to be your new beginnings !!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Deception ,Distrust, and Dilemma

You say you love me and I want to believe, my feelings for you have been written in your book of wants. The mistrust that hovers over me is my Waterloo. The loss of heightened anticipation has gone to sleep only to wake up at another time another moment ! How do you know what love is ? Is it but a moment or is it real ? When your young and in love you run the gamut of yes to-day maybe forever and then its over ! My degree of trust has gone by the wayside as the stream carries coded messages of what I felt long ago ! You open the door and walk outside towards me to attest of my willingness to embark into unchartered waters. As the winds pick up briskly I turn my mind to the time when things were less blurred and love was carefree. My eyes turn to you as I want to be able to say yes ! My mefiance leads the way as I break away from your lack of authenticity. The unseperables now walk in different directions unable to find there way back to what they had ! The uneasiness of me becomes apparent as I try to decode what you say and what it means. Love has no desire to stay so slowly meanders towards the lighthouse as the beacon of hope diminishes . The Deception of my distrust has become a dead-end a dilemma .